Top 10 Paying Google Adsence Alternatives

                                                   Google Adsence  online advertising service for most of most of the publishers.Google Adsense has become a vital platform for the users where they can monetize their sites and can make sufficient bucks out of it.You are very disappoint when the  website you are running was not approved by the Google Adsence. But the complints about the adsence are increasing day by day.The conditions for approving Adsence account are makes the publishers to go to another Alternatives.You have some potential amount of visitors to your blog/website.Now you have eligible to earn some handsome amount money from your blog by using the following Alternatives.The following are the top 10 Google adsence alternatives.They pay almost equal payments as compared to the Adsence.

 I)Buy sell Ads

                                                  It is a big market are online market or network place.From these you can sell or buy adds.But ,to get Buysellads account not an easy task.To get buy sell ads account you must have a remarkable number of page views and remarkable number of visitors per month.It pays when your earning reaches to(payment limit) $50.And the payment process is done through the online paypal .you will be paid by 75% of revenue generated by the BuysellAds.It is the very best alternative for Google Adsence. The payment limit is also less compared to the Adsence (for Adsence the payment limit is about $100).

2) Chitika

                                               Chitika is also very similar to the Google Adsence .But the payment limit here very is $10 only so,it very useful to the beginners to develop their blog/wbsite.Here the payment process is also done using paypal account.It gives much control over their the users. You can also receive this payment by using the chece but,the payment limit will be increased to $50.The another advantage of this Chitika is it can be pays you even you the Adsence account to your Blog/website.You can also enjoy with both Adsence as well as Chitika.
3) Info links
                                                It is considered one of the top ranking advertising program. So, the people who do not have Adsense account should try to get an account in Infolink. It facilitates you for Pay Per Click advertising system for indexing your site to add some hyperlinks in it. The people having good traffic from the Western world like Canada and USA can make a handsome amount of money from Infolinks. It pays you through PayPal and the minimum amount the users can draw is $50.
                                                It is generally a CPM ad network for the users who are looking for generating some passive income. The users having good site and massive traffic/month can earn a lot through it. It is not an easy task to become a Tribal Fusion publisher, but the users having 500,000+ Page views/month can get approval for their site. So be ready to get an account on Tribal Fusion and if you get it successfully, you would be able to earn a lot of amount.

                                                          If you have recently launched your site, ClickSor would be the most annoying Ad network and if your site does not get Adsense approval due to lack of traffic, you should try ClickSor. It provides you various kinds of Ads such as Pop ups and In-Text Contextual. The minimum amount paid to the user is $50 and surely your site will be approved at once. So best of luck with ClickSor.
                                                       It is an In-Text Ad Network that is very similar to Infolinks. It transforms the text into ads and helps you in earning money. The users having a good number of traffic can get approval to Adsense at Kontera. The minimum amount it pays the users is $50 that can be achieved quite easily.
                                                       AdBrite can be considered a perfect alternative to Google Adsense. You cannot get approved for it in your first attempt. Once you get an approval, the AdBrite would add an Ad Banner into your site so that you may have advertisement offers. It splits the generated revenue into 25% – 75% and pays you through check. The minimum amount it pays is $100.

                                                      It gives the users Pay Per Click network where they are paid for displaying Ads on their sites. It does not only offer Feed Ads, but also Contextual Ads. It pays the amount through Wire Transfer, PayPal, Check and the minimum amount it pays is $10.

                                                 It is quite similar to BSA (Buy Sell Ads) in its functions, but somehow it is better than BSA according to my point of view. The users cannot get approval for their site in iSocket. It facilitates you the direct Ad Sale and also in various best sites online. It requires your site having at least 100 0,000 unique visitors/month. So visit and apply for approval quickly

                                             Undoubtedly it is an excellent Ad network and a newer as well. The users looking for a goodalternative to Google Adsense would definitely prefer it. It provides Pop Ups and full page banners. The users having Western World’s traffic would be able to get benefits from it. This network also shows Adsense Ads on your blog/site. You can get maximum 5 ad blocks per page with Adversal.

These are the top  Adsence alternatives


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